
As is the case with millions of commercial establishments around the world, hospitals utilise LPG for heating and cooling air, cooking, heating water, refrigeration, as well as lighting. LPG also powers laundry equipment and fumigation units.

Hospitals and healthcare facilities have some of the most rigorous lighting requirements of any setting. Doctors and nurses must have clean, clear, bright light with superior color rendering to make accurate diagnoses, while warm, welcoming environmental lighting promotes a tranquil environment for patients and visitors. LPG generators provide reliable and efficient lighting in both urban and rural areas.

Furthermore, hospitals generate hazardous bio-medical waste which may need to be incinerated for safe disposal. LPG is used in incinerators to provide high temperature for complete combustion of the bio-medical waste without any harmful emissions.

In hospitals in certain parts of the developing world (for example India) LPG kitchen schemes have been introduced. Under such schemes, attendants of patients are allowed to use LPG stoves for cooking at a charge. 

This enables the attendants (usually family members of patients) to reduce their food and cooking expenses and free themselves from the drudgery and hazards of cooking in the open with inefficient fuels.

In these scenarios, LPG is chosen because it is a clean-burning and efficient cooking fuel.
LPG-fueled shuttle buses and ambulances also provide reliable transportation within hospital systems around the globe.



Autogas Vehicles

Power/Electricity Generators

Desiccant Dehumidifier

Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

Hybrid Water Heater

Water Heater (Tankless)

LPG Gas Heat Pump

Pressure Washer

Mosquito Trap

Water Pump

Weed Flamers

LPG Portable Heater

Gas Lights and Lamps

Baking Oven

Radiant Ceramic Heaters

Water Heaters (Tanked)

LPG Refrigerators, freezers and coolers

Floor Burnisher, Buffer, Polisher

LPG Tumble Dryers

Fuel Cell Power Generators

LPG Microturbines


LPG Torch for Melting Ice and Snow