Mosquito Trap

Mosquitoes have always constituted a nuisance to people let alone being a health risk. Their contribution by way of itchy bites, spread of diseases such as Malaria and Zika virus, is a cause for concern in tropical regions, and during the warm periods in temperate climates.
Many mosquito species bite not only humans but also animals as dogs, horses, birds etc..
Female mosquitoes require blood to reproduce. They fly up to 25 feet high off the ground and use several types of sensing mechanisms. They have a great sense of smell but very poor visibility. They can smell people from 100 feet (30 m) away, but they can't see until they are within 30 feet (10 m) of their target. Humans exhale carbon dioxide and these insects "smell" carbon dioxide to locate a host. Water vapour, and heat that result from breathing are also the other known major attractants of mosquitos. At very close range, mosquitoes and biting flies may use the odour of animal sweat which contains the chemical octenol and some other compounds which constitute the body odour.
There are a number of ways to either repel mosquitoes or trap mosquitoes. Mosquito traps unlike repellents, are designed to attract, trap and then kill mosquitoes. They lure mosquitoes using carbon dioxide (CO2), heat, moisture, LED lights, chemical attractants or a combination of these enticements. Once mosquitoes approach a trap, they are then captured by a vacuum mechanism or sticky paper. The insects subsequently die of dehydration in the trap.
LPG/ Propane mosquito traps have been around for some time and have gained popularity in areas such as the aviation industry and sport complexes. They are reliable and effective devices, that can cause an interrupt the breeding cycle of mosquitoes, thereby reducing mosquito populations.

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