Several billion people around the world use LPG for a variety of applications. Cooking and heating are well known but LPG is also used to generate power, clean and dry clothes, cut the the grass in the garden at home and even produce heat that keeps bugs away. LPG provides all the benefits of mains gas, without the connection to the grid. LPG provides warm, cosy heating, hot water as well as the added benefit of instant, completely controllable gas cooking.
For developing rural communities, LPG can provide a first modern alternative to traditional cooking fuels (e.g. firewood, charcoal, dung), contributing to a better quality of life and importantly, allowing people to spend less time collecting fuel, and enabling them to pursue value-added economic activities within the community.
LPG systems provide the perfect balance of performance and versatility — central or zonal, furnace or boiler — cost-effectively providing the ability to power the home even when living off the grid.
They can be tailored to individual home requirements either for the kitchen and elsewhere and have the added advantage of insuring homes against the vulnerability of cuts in power supply.
LPG appliances have increased in popularity along with the knowledge that LPG is a cost effective, energy efficient, and environmentally friendly way to provide the home with supplemental energy not only during power outages, but in everyday applications as well.